Robert Vescio is a full-time children’s author whose aim is to enthuse and inspire children to read and write and leave them bursting with imaginative ideas.
Melissa Mackie enjoys drawing from everyday life to creating quirky new realities. Her favourite medium is gouache and watercolour on paper.
Educating Young Children
“Love this story – brought tears to my eyes. This beautiful book is suitable in the lower school for reluctant readers as it only has 80 words, and is great for the upper school for teaching narratives and ethics” – Click here to read in full.
“This simple story, told in few words, touches on themes of hope, despair, loneliness and friendship. Above all, it gently explores how sometimes we need to make hard choices but that -doing the right thing’ has its own rewards.” – Click here to view.
Busy Mums Magazine
“Gently explores how sometimes we need to make hard choices” – Click here to view.
SchoolDays Magazine
“Simply written with lovely illustrations, this book is a good choice for holiday reading for and with younger children.” – Click here to view.
Story Monsters
“A sweet and thoughtful book … Melissa Mackie’s soft and sweet illustrations round out the storytelling, forming an almost tactile connection to the main character and the cat.”
Children’s Books Heal
“This is an important lesson children will face many times in their lives. It has difficult lessons about honesty and integrity. It is a good reason to start teaching this lesson to young children”
Toddler Book Reviews
“This book shows that good deeds do not go unnoticed … It’s an excellent story for early readers.”
Kids’ Book Review
“The message is conveyed in a softly-softly manner and can easily translate to other tough moral situations that younger kids might face. It’s a beautiful opportunity to open up discussions of ethics and compassion, in the face of loss and despair.”
Best Weekend (insert into the Daily Telegraph)
“It takes this talented children’s author less than 80 words to tell a story filled with warmth, friendship and lessons on doing the right thing” – Click here to view.
Hip Little One
“Using colourful, inviting illustrations and short, simple sentences Finn and Puss is a fun, easy-to-read book for young children to listen to and for early readers to read by themselves. The best part is, the important message it teaches will last long after you’ve turned over the final page!” – Click here to view.
Country Home Ideas Magazine
“Finn, a young boy, is lonely. Puss, a cat, is lost. Then Finn and Puss meet. This book gently explores how sometimes we need to make hard choices but that ‘doing the right thing’ has its own rewards. Ages 4-8.” – Click here to view.
The Bottom Shelf
“Told in a few words but with exquisite illustrations that are as gentle as the story but rich in emotion and detail, this is a story which explores the connections between a child and a pet and how hard it can be to do the right thing.”
Unity QLD
“What I liked most about this book was that it provided opportunities for discussion around situations where children may be feeling alone, what ethical behaviour is and different types of friendship” – Click here to view.
“The touching simply-told story of a lonely boy finding a friend, only to have to part again. Illustrations in gentle colours complete this appealing book.”
Kellie Byrnes Blog
“should make for a wonderful ethics and compassion discussion prompt for parents, teachers and librarians.” – Click here to view.
“Of course at the heart of this book is the lesson itself… making the hard decisions that we know (deep down) are the right ones and even if they’re bloody hard to make. That we feel better afterwards because we know we’ve done the right thing.” – Click here to view.
Just Kids Lit
“… effectively deals with simple emotions that children under five can relate to, as well as challenging them to feel compassion, understand the possible perspectives of others, and display a sense of responsibility. Like me, this book is sure to win your affections, too!”
In The Good Books
“This is a book that is suitable for early readers as it doesn’t have a lot of words, and the story is quite simple to follow. It teaches children the importance of decision-making, and also shows that doing things that are right even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time, can have it’s own rewards.” Click here to read the review in full.
Jnr Bookworm Book Review
“a wonderfully illustrated book that sets the tone perfectly highlighting the importance of doing the right thing.” – Click here to read the review in full.
“Finn and Puss is a minimalist but heartwarming tale of friendship. Doing the right thing makes Finn sad, but results in double the joy. Robert Vescio’s stories speak to the child in all of us; that child who fervently deserves happiness.” – Sally Odgers, Author
Young Authors Academy
Finn and Puss author Robert answers Five fantastic questions, giving us an insight into his journey as an Author. – Click here to read.
Kellie Byrnes, Author Interview
What influences do you think shape your writing?
“I think the world, the every day and my own experiences help shape my writing. I’ve said it before – ‘write what you know.’ If something is very close and dear to your heart the words will flow out easily. This will help you find your voice. Unlock your heart. Remember, only you can write the story that is yours to write.” – Click here to read the full interview with Robert.