Robert Vescio has worked as a photo editor and production manager in the publishing industry and is now a full-time children’s author. As a Books in Homes role model, his aim is to enthuse and inspire children to read and write and leave them bursting with imaginative ideas. His previous picture book with EK Books is BILBY nominated Finn and Puss (2017; illustrated by Melissa Mackie).
Cara King initially studied anthropology before moving across to multimedia and starting her own design business, Caratoons. As a designer and illustrator, she has produced images for T-shirt designs, books, cards and posters. She is the illustrator of two picture books: Mummy and Mumma Get Married (2015) and Scaredy Book (2018; also with EK Books).
Midwest Book Review
“Children will love reading about these box car adventures. Note: Be sure to have boxes of all sizes close by, since this tale will surely inspire some super special box creations. (Ages 4-8)” Click here to read more
Sunday Telegraph “A deceptively simple story of inclusion and initiative”
Dim Writes Blog
featured included in a round up about books that celebrate the power of imagination.
“Plenty of kid appeal on every page”.
Click here to view
Primary Education Featured
“A new picture book celebrates the simple things when all you need to have fun is a cardboard box and a little imagination”.
Jigsaw Family Day Care Magazine – reviewed
“After reading this story, the children were very keen to make some box cars of their own which lead to lots of enjoyable creative play“.
CBCA’s Reading Time
“ Readers will recognise and enjoy the simple joy of make-believe play and be inspired to create their own toys from recycled materials.” Click here to read in full.
Busy Mums Magazine
“a fun-filled story of friendship.”
Good Reads – five star review
“There’s plenty of kid appeal on every page.” Click here to read in full.
Hip Little One
“ I try to teach our children that it is important to be inclusive and always invite others to join in their play. Sometimes inclusion takes a bit of creative thinking, like in this gorgeous new EK Books picture book: ” Click here to read in full.
Mums At The Table Magazine
“Inspire your kids to let their imagination run free”
Blue Wolf Reviews article
“ Lovely bright and fun illustrations along with short but specific use of language has created the wonderful, fresh outdoor feel of the park.” Click here to read in full.
Pinerolo, The Children’s Book Cottage recommendation article
“This story is about having fun with friends with simple things like old cardboard boxes.”
Kid’s Book Review article
“ This is a delightful story about children solving problems by using their imagination. Also, about friendships, compromise, and their ability to recycle, reinvent.” Click here to read in full.
Literacy Families and Learning article
“This is another wonderful book from a small publisher punching well above its weight. A celebration of creativity, ingenuity and simple fun.” Click here to read in full.
Books + Publishing Magazine review article
“…the search for friendship is the subject… best friends Liam and Kai play box cars every day, until they notice a young girl watching them who’s keen to join in.” Click here to read.
Buzz Words magazine article
“A fun tale with a simple-story line that will have broad appeal with themes of friendship, sharing and solving problems. The illustrations are soft and whimsical and a good compliment to the text. Recommended for boys and girls ages 4 – 8 years old.” Click here to read.
The Daily Telegraph newspaper article
“…will take you back to when kids made their own fun.” Click here to read.
Just Kids Lit review article
“…good, old fashioned, hooting and honking fun at its finest. Helping our young children of today break free from technology and harness the power of imagination, creativity and inclusion. A book to stimulate mind, body and soul. Race to get your copy today!” Click here to read.
Educate Empower review article
“The Box Cars will open up the opportunity to get children outside with their imaginations instead of inside in front of a screen. It will encourage discussions about friendships and help children to see wonder in the simple things!” Click here to read.
Miss Jenny’s Classroom review article
“This would make a great addition to any kindy (preschool) library or reception to grade 1.” Click here to read.
The Bottom Shelf review article
“Focusing on friendship, creativity and problem-solving, this is likely to become a much-requested favourite.” Click here to read.
Read for Fun review article
“This is a lovely story to add to your bookshelf.” Click here to read.