Up to Something

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One day, Dad invites Billy into his shed to build something, but Billy soon finds out that he is only allowed to watch. As Dad becomes engrossed in his project, Billy takes Dad’s off-cuts and other items from around the yard and starts to copy what his Dad is building. When they reveal their creations, Dad discovers that Billy has more talents than his dad had ever imagined! Up to Something  explores the father–son relationship, and the satisfaction to be gained from making things ourselves.

Download the Teacher’s Notes Here

SPECIFICATIONS: Hardback | 245 x 255 mm / 9.5 x 10 inches | Colour | 32 Pages

SKU: 9781925335705 Categories: , , Tag:

Katrina McKelvey is a children’s author with over ten years primary school teaching experience. She regularly participates in literary conferences and festivals.

Kirrili Lonergan is a children’s book illustrator passionate about illustrating picture books that have a ‘healing’ message.

Early Childhood Educators Australia – Every Child Magazine
“Katrina McKelvey has over ten years of primary school teaching experience and this is reflected in the language she uses, which is just right for kindergarten and early primary age children to relate to and enjoy. The detailed illustrations by Kirrili Lonergan complement the words beautifully, with something new to enjoy upon revisiting the story.”

Swings and Roundabouts
“The illustrations show they of creating and using found materials as well as the story celebrates the joy of working together, especially a child and parent. This book will be enjoyed by 3+ years.”

School Days Magazine
“A nice little story with charming illustrations for dad and son. ” Click here to view

The Corner on Character’s Spectacular Picture Book Picks
“Check out this special father-son bonding change agent; it just might alter how we empower our young innovators.” Click here to read more

Kids’ Book Review
“Themes of working together, learning, and allowing the creative imagination of a child to take form, are beautifully expressed in this delightful picture book.” Click here to read in full.

Literacy, Families and Learning
“I love this book. It offers a lovely insight into the father son relationship” Click here to view

The Funday Section of The Sunday Telegraph reviewed
“A gentle story of meeting in the middle.”

Buzz Words
“The message of this book is as much to parents as it is to children. As a shared story-time book, it will prompt adults and children to work together enjoyably and may allow children to feel empowered in creative projects.” Click here to read in full.

The Book Chook reviewed
” This heart-warming story will appeal to both kids and parents. It might even remind some dads of the joys of co-building! It makes a great makerspace resource for schools and a lovely story to read aloud.” Click here to read in full

Pinerolo reviewed
“It’s fun being Dad’s assistant but imagine what can be achieved if Billy and Dad work together? Bonding and satisfaction are themes in this entertaining book.”

Blue Wolf Reviews
“Perfect for reading together and perfect to remind parents that children are capable of achieving great things, even though they may not be perfect, when they work together as a team” Click here to read

One More Page Podcast
“this story has just the right amount of heartwarming. 10 out of 10!”. Click here to listen to the episode (The reviews start at approx. 22:00)

Reading Time (CBCA) reviewed
“The story gives readers encouraging resources for bridging play and construction and rejoices in recycling fun and inventiveness.” Click hear to read

2BS Bathurst – Sarah Boorer 
“a very special children’s book”.

SEAFM Davenport TAS – Breakfast hosts Jess and Lee chats to Katrina McKelvey.
“a gorgeous new book that talks about the father son relationship”. Click here to listen

Best Weekend in the Daily Telegraph – May 4
“This delightful book is at face value about a father and son building a billy cart together – but more deeply it is about how most children have a creativity and ability that is under estimated by the adults around them”

The Bottom Shelf reviewed
“Lots of scope for creative thinking embedded in a story that is just a joy to read in itself.” Click here to read the full review

SAPOWER FM Mel Dee chats to Katrina McKelvey –
Up To Something is “the most beautiful book”. Click here to listen

Read For Fun reviewed
“Too often, grown ups forget what children are capable of…. This is a fantastic book that reminds parents to listen to their children and work with them on projects rather than taking over”. Click here to read in full 

Dim’s Write Stuff
“This charming tale reminds us that working together results in amazing outcomes and creates unbreakable bonds. There is also a nice nod to the art of creating, reusing and reimagining.” Click here to read in full.

GoodReadswithRonna Reviews
“Up to Something serves as an ideal reminder on Father’s Day that there’s more to being a dad than simply being around.” Click here to read more

jeanniejeanniejeannie.co.uk BLOG Review
“This is an ideal book for DAD’S to read with children on Father’s Day, it tops my list of book’s for dads on Father’s Day.” Click here to read more. 

Nayu’s Reading Corner- Reviews

“Illustrations are vital for a great picture book, and Billy’s tale is no exception. I loved the watercolour effects which used realistic colours for Billy, his dad, and their dog, who gets into a bit of mischief while they are working on their project. Pet antics always make me smile!” Click here to read more

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