ISBN: 9781925820775

Courageous Lucy

The Girl Who Liked to Worry
Lucy worries about everything. She’s so skilled at worrying that she worries about things no one else even thinks about!

When a school musical is announced, Lucy wants to be part of it but is scared try out. Then, her teacher finds a part especially for her. Lucy stands proud and tall to be the best tree she can, even as her knees knock and her tummy ties in knots. Lucy’s bravery will show children everywhere that it’s okay to be worried, and they can still embrace opportunities!

Click here to view Teacher’s Notes

Specifications: Hardback | 245 x 255mm / 9.5 x 10in | 32 Pages | Full Colour

The Girl Who Liked to Worry…

Lucy worried about everything…

“Lucy worried that she might be the first one to discover Bigfoot on the same day he stubbed his toe …

or that she might meet the Queen of England on the way to school, but forget her name.”





Lucy Stands Tall

After her teacher’s help finding a part just for her, Lucy finds the courage to perform in the school musical. During the performance Lucy stands proud and tall to be the best tree she can, even as her knees knock and her tummy ties in knots.






This book covers themes of Anxiety, Overcoming Fears, Navigating School and Bravery. Perfect for kids Aged 4-8. Teacher’s Notes are available here






Paul Russell is a primary teacher, artist, playwright and children’s author of Grandma Forgets and My Storee, among others, with Grandma Forgets making the CBCA list of notable picture books in 2018. He is passionate about children’s literacy and building young appetites for the written word. He has a daughter who has worries of her own and he reads her this story to calm her down.

Cara King initially studied anthropology before moving across to multimedia and starting her own design business, Caratoons. As a designer and illustrator, she has produced images for T-shirt designs, books, cards and posters. She is the illustrator of three picture books: Mummy and Mumma Get Married (2015), Scaredy Book (2018; with EK Books) and The Box Cars (2019; with EK Books).

This book will be a great resource for anyone (child or adult) whose first response to a situation is worry, and whose first thought is always, ‘what if something goes terribly wrong?’ It’s a book to remind us that instead, perhaps we can train our minds to think, ‘what if something goes terribly right?’ instead.
“Courageous Lucy doesn’t ignore anxiety in children, instead shows that one tiny step outside your comfort zone is sometimes all it takes to be courageous” Click here for the full article

Schooldays Magazine
“A good little illustrated hard covered book with drawings that capture the worrying child’s perceived image so well.” Click here for the full review.

Rachel Funez Writes
“This book is great for normalizing anxiety in children, and providing children who experience anxiety with the reassurance that they are not alone in having so many worries.” Click here for the full review.

Buzz Words
“This book gently shows how worries stop us from enjoying and doing things …  its message showcases how bravery can triumph.  This book would make a great gift for any anxious child.” Click here for the full review.

Armadillo Magazine
“a picture book with an important message, told in a gentle way within an engaging story, that has touches of magic around the edges. A story that could bring hope and strength to a child that worries too much.” Click here for the full review.

Dr Tanya McDonnaugh founder of TMC Psychology writing for Motherdom
“This book communicates a lovely message that within every anxious child is a brave soul, and how as adults we can help them to recognise that this already exists within them.” Click here for the full review.

Blue Wolf Reviews
“captures with easy words and lovely pictures, Lucy facing up to her worries and understanding that even though she is still a worrier, being brave can bring rewards and joy.” Click here for the full review.

The Bottom Shelf
“this book could be really useful in opening up discussions about fear of failure and all that’s associated with that.” Click here for the full review.

Reading Time 
“author Russell has a daughter who worries sometimes. I worry sometimes, too. So do my daughter and many, many people I know. That’s why books like this are essential. They show that we can take a deep breath and rise above our fears and say yes to the many opportunities that life presents, even those that induce belly flutters.” Click here for the full review.

Linda’s Book Bag
“What an absolutely brilliant story. Lucy is a real worrier and has a very vivid imagination so that similar children will be able to identify with her completely, realising that the thoughts they hold in their heads are not so unusual.” Click here for the full review.

NZ Booklovers
Courageous Lucy is a gentle story that will allow children to see how small actions can help them through everyday worries.

The entire book would be a wonderful addition to a classroom for many reasons. Not only will the story connect with children, the book can be used as a basis for many lessons – from drama to art, to literacy and science. EK Books offers teacher notes for anyone to access, and parents may find them useful to consider when broaching what can be a tricky topic such as anxiety.” Click here for the full review.

What book next?
“Many children are watchers – those who stand on the sidelines of the fun watching others for a while before they tentatively join in. Although it’s difficult to watch from an adult perspective, each child has to find their own courage and confidence in their own way.

Courageous Lucy is a gentle way of approaching this topic with a watcher or young worrier, to ask if they are worried about anything or even step carefully about why they worry. Books like Courageous Lucy are so important to supply a safe bridge to these concepts and challenges.” Click here for the full review.

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