ISBN: 9780648652854

Roger the Wrasse and the itchy fishes

AUD $17.99 Tax Included

Out now in ANZ ANZ January 2023  ( US Due for Release July 2024  / Uk August 2024)

This story draws attention to the importance of biodiversity on the reef and illustrates the special roles and relationships animals have under the sea. Told through the eyes of Roger the wrasse, a small and brightly coloured reef fish who oversees a cleaning station on the reef. Roger’s bright colours are almost like a neon sign advertising his ‘cleaning services’ to other sea creatures on the reef.

This story celebrates the small creatures that do BIG things in the ocean showing us how little things can make a BIG difference in the world!

Specifications: Paperback with Flaps | 200 x 250mm | 32 Full Colour pages | Little Pink Dog Books


A Little Pink Dog Books Publication


Dr Sue Pillans has always been drawn to the ocean and as an Aussie marine scientist and visual artist she specialises in creative and visual communications to help “Picture your ideas”. Sue’s deep devotion for the ocean is also shared by her alter ego, Dr Suzie Starfish, an Australian children’s author/illustrator (‘Authorstrator’). Dr Suzie Starfish uses the art of marine science and storytelling to engage, educate, and excite children about the wonders of our living oceans. Dr Sue loves to use information and illustration to inspire the imagination and bring her sea stories to life through words and pictures – with a big splash of ocean optimism!

Roger the Wrasse and the itchy fishes” is the third in the series of children’s picture books written and illustrated by Dr Suzie Starfish. This story draws attention to the importance of biodiversity on the reef and the special roles and relationships animals have under the sea. Other books in the series include “The Great Barrier Thief”, which illustrates the impacts of climate change on the Great Barrier Reef and “Cranky Frankie and the oceans of trash”, which pictures the impacts of marine debris and plastic pollution on our oceans and sea life. Each of these picture books draw attention to important ocean issues and offer messages of science, solutions and hope. By diving into her stories Dr Suzie Starfish wants to empower our future ocean guardians (our children) that they CAN be the change they want to ‘sea’ in the world.



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“With its thoughtful exercises and insightful advice, The Journal Writer’s Companion is a valuable resource for anyone looking to deepen their writing practice and enrich their journey toward self-knowledge and storytelling.”

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