My Heart

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My Heart depicts the many ways a mother’s heart can experience love and emotion while her baby journeys through the milestones of growing up, eventually going off on their first independent activity. Beautiful illustrations combine with subtle repetition to cleverly reflect the activity and reactions of the mother’s heart, and how they change with each mother-child interaction. Grounded in a mother’s lived experience, this is a celebration of the bond between a mother and her child.

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SPECIFICATIONS: 245mm x 255mm | Hardback | 32 Pages | Full Colour| EK Books

Isla’s Family Tree

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Isla isn’t happy that her family is changing, so her mother creates a clever family tree with Isla to teach her how families always grow. When her mother hands her two new leaves, Isla doesn’t think they belong. She tries to make them fit somewhere, but not on her branch. However, once she meets her new brothers, she has a change of heart and finds room for them after all. A fun book for any family trying to introduce new family members, or show children how they belong in their family.

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Download the Isla Paperdoll Activity!

Specifications: 9781925820379 | Hardback | 245 x 255 mm / 9.5 x 10 inches | Colour | 32 Pages