ISBN: 9781925335002


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Mindfulness: a buzzword that’s everywhere these days, a trend that has seen this ancient concept become devalued as superficial. Heartfulness: another, richer concept, and a word you should remember.

In this important and insightful book, psychology expert Dr Stephen McKenzie pushes through the limitations often imposed by a misinterpreted idea of mindfulness, and introduces us to the vast, deep waters at its roots. By exploring the nine paths to heartfulness, with thought-provoking exercises, anecdotes and things to do, you too can find your way to living a more rewarding, happy and fully connected life.

SPECIFICATIONS: Paperback | 229 x 152 mm / 9 x 6 Inches | Colour | 192 Pages |

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As a researcher, lecturer and writer with years of clinical and teaching experience in many areas of psychology, Dr Stephen McKenzie has written several books including Exisle’s Mindfulness at Work and with Craig Hassed, Mindfulness for Life. Dr McKenzie lectures in psychology at Melbourne’s Monash University.

Ladies in Racing, January 2017
“This book pushes through the boundaries imposed by a misinterpreted idea of mindfulness”Click here to read the full review.

The Dr Pat Show, September 2016
Listen in to Dr Stephen McKenzie talk about the concepts and themes behind his latest book ‘Heartfulness’ on The Dr Pat Show.

Yoga Journal, May 2016
“He explores the paths to being fully connected with ourselves and other people and therefore fully alive…”


Catholic Herald, May 2016
“Although within the genre of self-help books, the book nonetheless asks provocative questions which can be a springboard to deeper soul-searching.”

Daily Telegraph, May 2016
“We don’t need to wait for love, or permission to show kindness. We can just do it. With no expectations.”

Good Reading, March 2016
“This is a gentle, warm book that seeks to bring the reader home to happy state.” 

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