ISBN: 9781925335262

All or Nothing: Bringing balance to the achievement-oriented personality

AUD $39.99

High achievers often have ‘all-or-nothing’ personality styles, approaching life with dedication, determination and drive to succeed. However, sometimes that success comes at too great a cost. The drive to focus on one tasks or area of life to the exclusion of everything else has undeniable benefits, but can lead to mental and physical fatigue, health problems and even relationship issues.

In this insightful, empowering book, psychologist Mike McKinney draws on his decades of experience to explore how balance can be brought to the all-or-nothing personality, whilst retaining its best qualities, to promote a more meaningful and rewarding life.

SPECIFICATIONS: Paperback | 229 x 152 mm / 9 x 6 Inches | 224 Pages | 

Mike McKinney is a registered clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience. He has worked in both public (hospital-based) and private practice settings, and over the years has become increasingly intrigued by the potential for an individual’s personality style to enhance or undermine decisions and behaviours in relation to achievement. Mike is married to a psychologist and together they have two teenage boys. His interests include martial arts and classic Japanese motorcycles. Mike lives with his family in Christchurch, New Zealand.

In this fascinating and insightful book, clinical psychologist Mike McKinney takes an informed look at the often talked about but little understood phenomenon of the ‘all or nothing’ personality: a personality type that is driven to focus on one task or area of life to the exclusion of all else.

While often bringing great return in terms of career achievement, this approach can commonly lead to other aspects of life being adversely affected and can result in problems such as difficulty maintaining relationships or not having a life outside work. It’s also one of the main causes of burn-out. The author looks at how this personality type can form (through, for example, a deep fear of failure, a desire to please others, or childhood expectations that you must ‘always do your best’) and, more importantly, he explores how balance can be brought to the all-or-nothing personality, so that its best qualities can be retained while the potential negatives are mitigated, resulting in a more meaningful and rewarding life.

Flaxroots Production, February 2017
“McKinney never tries to sell his points, merely pointing out that being a successful person is possible with a smidgeon of flexibility, a healthy regard for important people in your life and the introduction of pleasurable activities that provide their own rewards. Balance.” Read the review here.

CEO Magazine, January 2017
“In this insightful book on behaviour, psychologist and author Mike McKinney Mike McKinney explores in depth the ‘all or nothing’ personality type.  As McKinney points out, there are great rewards to being dedicated to specific areas of life; these people are often high achievers. However, it can cause burnout and to benefit mental and physical health, seeking a more balanced work–life approach is best.”

Qantas Magazine, December 2016
All or Nothing author Mike McKinney interviewed by Qantas Magazine.
“Slow burn – There’s a dark side to burning too brightly at work.” – Click here to read the author interview in full.

Good Health Magazine, December 2016
“If you are a high achiever with an uncompromising personality, your desire to succeed may be putting you at risk of burning out. Find out how to restore balance to your life”.

Employment Today, November 2016
“An interesting read that will resonate with those readers who may be an A/N personality or close to one, an provide some food for thought to help those high-achieving A/N individuals achieve success, find balance and still feel good about it.” – Read the full review here.

Hair Biz Magazine, November 2016
“shows how to bring your ‘A’ game, without burning out yourself or those around you” – Click here to read the 2 page article in full.

New Zealand Business Magazine, September 2016
“For those who live or work with people with the ‘all or nothing’ personality, McKinney’s insights will foster understanding of how to be supportive without enabling ‘less-than-helpful’ behaviours.” – Click below to read the full review 


My Business, September 2016
“All or Nothing helps curb the perfectionist attitudes that business owners may have in their day-to-day operations. Packed with case studies, reflection exercises and blank sections for you to write your own answers, the book aims to restore some life to the work/life balance of A/N business owners, to make sure their businesses and their wellbeing will thrive for many years to come.”

Elle Magazine, January 2017
Good Enough Is the New Perfectionism – feature article. Click here to read in full.

Radio NZ, October 2016
Author Mike McKinney has given a great interview on the ‘all or nothing’ personality type.
You can listen in or read the interview here.

Additional information

Book Type

eBook ePub, eBook Mobi, Paperback

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