Deirdre Hassed has had a fascination with handwriting since childhood, often delving into her grandfather’s old sign-writing box with its treasure trove of brushes, gold leaf and finely crafted steel pens. This hobby eventually led to the pursuit of a career in the craft of calligraphy and hand lettering. Deirdre works from the tranquil space of her purpose-built studio. A deep interest in philosophy underpins her life, with the wisdom traditions offering a rich reservoir of texts to inspire her calligraphic works.
Associate Professor Craig Hassed works at the Department of General Practice and is coordinator of mindfulness programs at Monash University. His teaching, research and clinical interests include mindfulness-based stress management, mind-body medicine, meditation, health promotion, integrative medicine and medical ethics. Craig is regularly invited to speak and run courses in Australia and overseas in health, professional and educational contexts. He was the founding president of the Australian Teachers of Meditation Association and is a regular media commentator. He writes regularly for medical journals and has published eleven books, as well as featuring in the documentary The Connection. Craig has a long-term interest in philosophy and the world’s great wisdom traditions.
Illuminating Wisdom brings art and wisdom together in a beautiful celebration of some of the world’s most inspiring philosophical, spiritual and literary quotes.
Approximately 80 quotes have been drawn from some of the great wisdom and literary traditions of both East and West, as well as from inspiring people throughout history noted for their practical wisdom.
These quotes have been set to exquisite calligraphy by Deirdre Hassed, a leading professional calligrapher, in a range of styles — from the traditional to the contemporary, and making use of many and varied techniques such as gilding, collage, work on glass, letterpress and linoprinting.
Accompanying each artwork is text by Craig Hassed, an international expert in mindfulness, that provides background on the quote’s author, explores the wisdom tradition to which it belongs, and offers deep insight into the meaning of the quote. The result is a book that is both a work of art and a collection of wisdom that will educate and inspire.
Stoicism, July 2017
“contains a collection of wise sayings from a variety of traditions beautifully illustrated. It’s a great example of an entirely harmonious work of art, and one can only be grateful that works of this nature are produced and have their influence.”
Light of Consciousness Magazine, July 2017
“Wisdom is a beautiful thing.” – Click here to view
Canberra Calligraphy Society News Bulletin, July 2017
“a most wonderful inspiring collection of spiritual and philosophical quotes drawn from many differing cultures and religious beliefs, accompanied by magnificent calligraphic works of art by Deidre Hassed … This is a beautiful timeless book that will both appeal and be enjoyed by all. “
Good Reading Magazine, May 2017
“words of beauty”
The West Australian, March 2017
“a literary and philosophical objet d’ art of the greatest integrity and beauty.”
“Rendered in beautiful, multi-styled calligraphy, the wise words are artful, the art insightful, inspirational, and appealing to all.”
Good Reading, March 2017
“when combined with calligraphy – the art of beautiful writing – words of wisdom can sometimes subvert our intellectual defences and exert a profound effect on us.”
Australian Yoga Life, June 2017
“exquisite calligraphy by Deirdre Hassed”