ISBN: 9781922539229

Witchcraft : A Modern Guide

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Only available in Australia and New Zealand

Witchcraft: A Modern Guide is a practical guide to the basics of witchcraft, both traditional and modern. It uses the Wheel of the Year — from the Imbolc sabbat at the start of spring, through the midwinter solstice to the Yule sabbat and back to Imbolc — as a guide to living life in tune with Mother Earth and suggests rituals and incantations to empower, energize and inspire. It’s an exciting journey, filled with insights into the Old Ways of traditional wise women (and people of any gender).

SPECIFICATIONS:   Hardback | 245 x 255mm  | 160 Pages | Colored Illustrations

SKU: Modern Guide to withcraft Categories: , , , ,

Alestrel Evergreen—Eclectic witch with a penchant for music, cosmic, and sigil magic. She is also exceptionally good with growing things.

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