Download and Listen to Audiobooks on your Device
Audiobook mp3 files can be played on iPhones/iPads/Mac (Apple Music/file manager), Androids/PCs (YouTube Music/file manager), and various other devices.
The instructions below are for iPhones/iPads/Mac and Androids/PCs. If you have a different device, please try searching the web for instructions or get in touch via our support page.
To listen to an audiobook on your iPhone, iPad or Mac, you can either add the audiobook to your Apple Music library, or you can download and play the mp3 files through Finder/Files.
To add mp3 files to Apple Music using a Mac:
First, download the .zip file from our website following your purchase. Then locate the file in Finder (probably in your Downloads) and double-click the file to ‘unzip’ it. You should now have a folder containing several .mp3 files – the chapters of the audiobook. Now, open Apple Music on your Mac. Click ‘File’, then ‘Import…’, then select all of the .mp3 files (hold down the shift key when selecting them to select them all). Click ‘Open’.
The audiobook will now be added to your Apple Music Library as ‘Unknown Album’ by ‘Unknown Artist’. To enter the correct details, right-click on the album cover and click on ‘Get Info’. Next to ‘artist’, enter the author name(s), next to ‘album’ enter the audiobook title, and next to ‘genre’ use the dropdown menu to select Audiobook. These are the essential details, but you can of course fill in more of the ‘Get Info’ fields if you wish. The audiobook is now added to your Apple Music library! If you use Cloud Music Library, it will sync automatically with all of your other devices.
To play mp3 files through Files using an iPhone/iPad:
First, download the .zip file from our website following your purchase. Tap on the downloads icon in the top right corner, then tap on the .zip file. You will be taken to the Files app. Tap on the .zip file and a folder named e.g. ‘Guiding Lights Audiobook’ will appear, containing the unzipped .mp3 files. Tap and hold on the .zip file, then tap ‘Delete’, so that you are only left with the folder of .mp3 files. Go into the folder and tap on the first file to start playing the audiobook.
To play mp3 files through Finder using a Mac:
First, download the .zip file from our website following your purchase. Then locate the file in Finder (probably in your Downloads) and double-click the file to ‘unzip’ it. You should now have a folder containing several .mp3 files – the chapters of the audiobook. Copy this folder and Paste it wherever you would like to save the audiobook within Finder. Go into the folder and click on the first .mp3 file to start playing the audiobook.
Androids/PCs (Google Play)
To listen to an audiobook on your Android device or your PC, you can either add the audiobook to your YouTube Music library, or you can download and play the mp3 files through your default file manager.
To add mp3 files to YouTube Music using a PC:
First, download the .zip file from our website following your purchase. Navigate to where the .zip file is saved in your files (probably in ‘Downloads’). Right-click on the file and click ‘Extract’ – you will now need to choose where you would like to save the unzipped .mp3 files that constitute the chapters of the audiobook.
Then, open the YouTube Music website and ensure you are signed into your YouTube Music account. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner and click ‘Upload Music’. Navigate to where you have saved the audiobook .mp3 files and select them all (hold down the shift key when selecting them to select them all). Click ‘Choose for upload’. The upload process might take a while, depending on the size of the files, and once the upload process is complete it may take a while for the audiobook to show up in your library. The audiobook is now added to your YouTube Music library and will appear in YouTube Music on all of your devices. The chapters will appear under ‘Songs’ only, and from there you can add them all to a playlist to keep them in one place.
To play mp3 files through your file manager on an Android device:
First, download the .zip file from our website following your purchase. Go to where your .zip file is saved on your Android device using any file manager and tap on the .zip file. You should see several .mp3 files – the chapters of the audiobook. Select all of the .mp3 files and tap ‘Extract’. The files will now be ‘unzipped’. Tap on the first mp3 file and the audiobook will begin playing!
To play mp3 files through your file manager on a PC:
First, download the .zip file from our website following your purchase. Navigate to where the .zip file is saved in your files (probably in ‘Downloads’). Right-click on the file and click ‘Extract’ – you will now need to choose where you would like to save the unzipped .mp3 files that constitute the chapters of the audiobook. Save the .mp3 files, navigate to where they are located in your files, and double-click on the first one to start playing the audiobook!