Author – Robert Vescio is a published children’s author. His picture books include, Bigger Than Yesterday, Smaller Than Tomorrow (Little Pink Dog Books), Finn and Puss (EK Books), Eric Finds A Way (Wombat Books) listed on the NSW, VIC and QLD Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2018.
Robert is a Books In Homes Role Model and enjoys visiting schools. His aim is to enthuse and inspire children to read and write and leave them bursting with imaginative ideas.
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Illustrator – Demelsa Haughton – With a lifelong love of traditional stories, and anything magical or supernatural, Demelsa is influenced by stories far removed from real life and endeavours to capture this in her paintings. She loves to create a sense of possibility in her work. Demelsa lives in the UK with her 3 children and her wonderfully supportive teacher partner.
She has illustrated two picture books with animal rights publisher Tusk Books, and a book full of fairytales, Jolis Contes d’Andersen, with Fleurus.