Margaret Sassé is the creator of Toddler Kindy GymbaROO, the international early childhood development and learning academy for babies aged 1 month to 5 years old. Margaret has always understood that the first five years of a child’s life are incredibly important; these are the years when the foundations for all later development are laid.
Smart Start: How Exercise can Transform your Child’s Life
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It has been shown that children’s neurophysiological development is vital for their ability to read and learn, and Smart Start provides a fun-filled platform for parents and carers to gain greater knowledge of what this entails in order to maximise their child’s development. Using the detailed illustrations in Smart Start you can work with your child to stimulate their neurological responses, increase coordination and enhance their capacity for learning when they reach school age. The book is carefully organised to provide a step-by-step programme for each year of an infant’s life.
Simply written and attractively presented with lively illustrations and practical exercises, Smart Start will soon become an indispensable tool for all parents.
All it takes is ten minutes a day!
SPECIFICATIONS: Paperback | 234 x 173 mm / 9 ⅕ x 6 ⅘ Inches | 150 Illustrations | 160 Pages |
Visit the GymbaROO website.