ISBN: 9780648964193

My Giant Sea Shell

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 Out now in Australia and New Zealand! UK/US Due for Release 2024

Through the eyes of a child, we are taken on a journey, as she watches her mother disappear through depression and tries to understand her mothers’ transformation from what she once was, to where she is now, and how to help get her back and find her happiness again. With the strength of love, encouragement and never giving up hope, she can help her mother rise above her unseen pain.  The thoughtful narrative and beautiful illustrations combine to sensitively explore the idea of change within a person who is dealing with depression. This story is about hope and the strength of family love.

Specifications :Hardcover | 245x 245mm | 32  Full Colour pages | Little Pink Dog Books


A Little Pink Dog Books Publication


Amanda loves stories, books, writing and children. She’s thrown them all into the air (Warning: if you do this, don’t stand underneath when they land) this mix has given her the perfect combination to be a passionate children’s book author. So far being an actress has been Amanda’s favourite career, she knows that writing stories for children will be her next new favourite.
Amanda writes a range of picture books; some tackle serious issues with a strong message, others spark curiosity and encourage children to believe in themselves. She also writes whimsical stories that inspire children to use their imaginations and is currently creating her own fairy-tale collection.

Currently working on writing and illustrating her next children’s picture book, Kathy has a Master of Arts Degree in Children’s Book Illustration and a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Hons) in Children’s Literature and Creative Writing. She has written and illustrated numerous children’s books and has been published by Oxford University Press, Reed International, Christmas Press, Little Pink Dog Books and other international publishers and organisations. Many of her children’s picture books have won awards.