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ISBN: 9781775594826

Grandparenting Grandchildren (eBook)

AUD $12.99

New knowledge and know-how for grandparenting the under 5s

Grandparenting Grandchildren is the first guide of its kind written specifically for grandparents, and aims to help you raise well-rounded, ready-to-learn, happy grandchildren. It covers the key influences on healthy development: movement, music, sleep and food, explaining both how they benefit the brain and how to implement them in your grandchild’s life. Learn to build a loving, supportive relationship, while constructing essential life skills for happy, capable, and confident learners.

Dr Jane Williams has been working with families and young children for over 45 years. She is currently the Director of ToddlerROO, KindyROO and GymbaROO, and an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the College of Health Sciences at James Cook University, Queensland.

Jane’s key focus in the last 20 years has been on the well-being of babies and very young children, particularly in relation to their neurological health and how this plays a fundamental role in a child’s later ability to enjoy school, learn easily and be successful in life. Her PhD investigated the reasons why many children are not detected with subtle developmental and learning problems until they reach school. She has also undertaken research in young school-age children, implementing a movement program and determining the effect of this on development and learning.

Jane’s work has been published extensively: she has updated and revised 365 weekly handouts for GymbaROO-KindyROO parents, written hundreds of articles on early childhood development for families, co-authored the brilliant Active Babies Smart Kids (ABSK) 12-part online series for families with a new baby, and provided educational material to help train professionals in early educational settings. She has presented at conferences all over the world and has been on advisory committees for the ‘Global Scientific Parenting Alliance’ and the Johnson & Johnson Baby Care Advisory Board, Pacific Region.

Dr Tessa Grigg has a wide range of experience within the Early Childhood Education field. She is currently the Research and Education Manager for ToddlerROO, KindyROO and GymbaROO, and a part-time lecturer and teaching assistant at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. She has taught in a Primary School, supervised a Pre-school with specialist work in the sensory-motor area, worked as a Child and Family Therapist, taught adult students in the area of teaching and child development, and has owned and operated a GymbaROO centre for 9 years.

Tessa is also the “Tessa” in Tessarose Productions, a business that has produced music for children for over 30 years. Along with musician Brian Ringrose, Tessa formed Tessarose Productions in 1999. The music (all 700 songs) was created with young children’s developmental needs and the latest findings in early education in mind. The songs are simple and slow enough for young children to understand and then respond to, and the words are repetitive and clear so children can sing along.

Kids’ Book Review
“Dr Jane Williams, co-author with Dr Tessa Grigg of the non-fiction book, Grandparenting Grandchildren: New Knowledge and Know-how for Grandparenting Under 5s fills us in on exactly how to establish and maintain the magic (of the special grandparent-grandchild relationship)” Click here to read in full

Your Life Choices Podcast

“Podcast host John Deeks speaks with Dr Jane Williams about the latest research on how children’s brains work and how grandparents can initiate activities that involve movement, activity, imagination and music. Dr Williams offers practical advice on what is important in building a loving, supportive relationship with the grandchildren.” Click here to listen

The Canberra Times

More than ever, we appreciate the grandparents

“Grandparents are increasingly caring for their children, often all day, not just slipping them a cheeky $5 note from up their sleeve during occasional pop-ins, served with cake and tea” Click here to read in full


Why babies and children dream and practical tips for avoiding nightmares

Dr Jane Williams and Dr Tessa Grigg, co-authors of Grandparenting Grandchildren, explain the function of dreaming in young children and how you can help keep the bad dreams at bay. Click here to read in full

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Book Type

eBook ePub, eBook Mobi

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