Going by Train (eBook)

AUD $39.99

The Complete New Zealand Railways Story

Railways played a pivotal part in the development of New Zealand’s economy, towns and cities, and helped shape a distinctive culture. This is a comprehensive account of our railways story, from the earliest days of the colony, through rail’s growth and golden days, slow decline and recent resurgence. Fully illustrated, and written in a very readable style, rail fans and general readers alike will enjoy its wide-ranging topics, generous illustrations, anecdotes and personal accounts.

SPECIFICATIONS: eBook Download | 312 Pages | Colour

Graham Hutchins is a long-time railway enthusiast and a frequent traveller on the New Zealand rail network. Among several books he has written on the subject are Great New Zealand Railway Journeys and Last Train to Paradise. He has also written extensively on rugby, cricket, rock music and a range of other subjects. Graham is a full-time writer and lives in Hamilton.

Otago Times – Reviews
“Going by Train is generously illustrated, with plenty of colour and well-preserved black and white archive photos.

GrownUps, Editor’s Top Picks
“This is a comprehensive account of our railways story, from the earliest days of the colony, through rail’s growth and golden days, slow decline and recent resurgence. Fully illustrated, and written in a very readable style, rail fans and general readers alike will enjoy its wide-ranging topics, generous illustrations, anecdotes and personal accounts.” Click here for the full review.

Otago Times

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eBook ePub, eBook Mobi

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Going by Train

The Complete New Zealand Railways Story

Railways played a pivotal part in the development of New Zealand’s economy, towns and cities, and helped shape a distinctive culture. This is a comprehensive account of our railways story, from the earliest days of the colony, through rail’s growth and golden days, slow decline and recent resurgence. Fully illustrated, and written in a very readable style, rail fans and general readers alike will enjoy its wide-ranging topics, generous illustrations, anecdotes and personal accounts.

SPECIFICATIONS: 9781775593553 |Cover & Jacket | 260 x 183 mm / 10.25 x 7.25 inches | 312 Pages | Colour