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Parenting healthy, happy children with old wisdom and new science
Mindfulness at Play was written by a mindfulness expert and university lecturer, a psychologist and play therapist. (both are parents) to help parents and young people recognise and expand the practice of mindfulness in their lives, as well as recognise and respond to whatever is getting in its way. It introduces mindfulness and play-based training exercises and activities, as well as evidence-based mindfulness knowledge.
Specifications: eBook | 240 pages
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A mental health and wellbeing guide
Also avaliable in paperback
In The Flourishing Woman, Dr Cate Howell addresses many topics that are highly relevant to adult women, including why women often put themselves last; ways to overcome stress, overwhelm and anxiety; reproduction, menopause and mental health; and managing parenthood challenges and relationship issues. Other topics include the impact of trauma and physical illness on mental health, and strategies to manage these impacts; and how to silence self-criticism and grow self-worth.
Specifications: eBook | 240 pages
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A resource for parents, teachers and dyslexics themselves
Also available in Print | Audio Book
In Laughton King’s formulation, a dyslexic person is like a diesel vehicle. They run perfectly if you give them the right fuel, but if you put petrol in the tank (i.e. expect them to learn like every ‘normal’ child in our current education system) they break down. This book is designed to help dyslexic (diesel) thinkers make sense of their lives.
Specifications: eBook | 256 pages
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Every parent’s guide to building resilience in their child
Childhood anxiety is much more prevalent these days, and parents and carers need to be able to help their children to prevent dangerous escalation.

As seen on The Project NZ
With 18 years of expert, qualified experience, the author shows how to help children and tweens build up the necessary brain architecture and perspective, and create the emotional reserves and balance needed throughout life.
SPECIFICATIONS: eBook | 240 Pages | B&W Illustrations
CAD $15.99 Tax Included
Also Available in print
Chaos and uncertainty surround us. In a world that just keeps changing, burnout, anxiety, depression, trauma and breakdowns in relationships are common. But we don’t have to be the victims of our circumstances. For anyone who is struggling with making sense of a world that keeps changing around them, The Certainty Myth will help you rise above the chaos and find emotional stability and happiness. With tools such as ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and real-world examples, you’ll learn how letting go of certainty can be the key to happiness in today’s world.
SPECIFICATIONS: eBook| 229 x 152 mm | 224 Pages
CAD $17.99
Also available in Hardback | Audiobook
For the adult who is trapped in their own psyche
Have you ever had a dream, but let it go because you were too afraid of failure to try?
Dancing with Your Muse is a heartfelt, motivational guide to understanding this fear, realising that you are not alone in it, and working past it to achieve your goals without inhibition.
Written in a gentle, contemplative tone, this book will encourage you to determine and strive for success on your own terms. Performers, business people, students, and everyday dreamers alike will learn to courageously choose the most direct pathways to creative success and, more importantly, personal fulfilment, holding only a desire to contribute fully to their own life.
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For the creative warriors of the world, Gilda Joffe’s new book couldn’t have come at a better time. With grace, wisdom, and heart, she reminds us that the courage is not only the precursor to realizing one’s artistic aspirations but also the difference between a life of magic or mediocrity. If you are tired of feeling like a wallflower, Dancing With Your Muse will not only get you on your feet but, in the end, teaches you how to fly.”
– Michael J. Chase – Bestselling Author & Founder of The Kindness Centre
SPECIFICATIONS: | Ebook | 224 pages | 9781991001115
Free yourself from depression, anxiety and insecurity, and instead build a rich and meaningful life, with the world’s best-selling guide to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Updated and expanded in its second edition, this empowering book presents the ground-breaking techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), covering more topics and providing more practical tools than ever before. Following on from its million-copy bestselling first edition, The Happiness Trap will help anyone who is facing illness, coping with loss, working in a high-stress job, or suffering from anxiety or depression, to build authentic happiness from the inside out.
CAD $11.99
Improve your sleep, improve your health
Sleep is fundamental to our health and wellbeing. In Sleep Sense, international sleep expert Dr Katharina Lederle draws on the latest research to explore how sleep is connected to each of the three pillars of successful living: physical health, cognitive performance, and emotional wellbeing. She then provides readers with a ‘menu’ of healthy sleep options from which they can choose in order to effectively establish better sleep habits that improve day-to-day health and wellbeing.
SPECIFICATIONS: 9781775594802 | eBook | 224 pages | Empower

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Practical, authoritative, inspirational, and illustrated with stories and case studies based on Maggie Eyre’s own international work and experience, this is the essential toolkit to developing a confident, authentic personal brand, whether you’re an established businessperson or just starting out in your career.
SPECIFICATIONS: eBook Download | 296 Pages
Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, happiness remains elusive. We seek to find and hold onto it, but so often this in itself leads to worry and discontent. Based on the revolutionary approach of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), The Happiness Trap empowers you to forge a path to escape this vicious cycle.
Alongside with acclaimed illustrator Bev Aisbett, Dr Russ Harris brings you expert wisdom from his best-selling book in a handy, simpler version that will resonate with readers of the original and appeal to a new audience. Keep it in your pocket for those everyday reminders to help you on your journey.
SPECIFICATIONS: eBook Download | 168 Pages |
Practical, Get-Ahead Strategies to Survive Your Daughter’s Teenage Years
Top specialist clinical psychologist Dr Sarah Hughes delivers new practical, immediate strategies for parents living with potentially difficult, rebellious, or irresponsible teenage daughters. Supported by real-life examples, studies and research into the adolescent brain, Hughes’ solutions will help mothers and fathers grow a stubborn, reckless or challenging teenager into a well-adjusted, respectful, and self-sufficient young woman. Now available in eBook!
SPECIFICATIONS: eBook | 216 Pages

SPECIFICATIONS: eBook Download | 216 pages
CAD $20.00
‘This diet is healing my eczema and changing my life’ – testimony from just one of thousands worldwide who have benefited from The Eczema Detox, and proof that it really does work.
Developed by nutritionist Karen Fischer, whose daughter suffered from severe eczema from infancy, this ground-breaking book has helped people everywhere finally end their struggles with many types of skin conditions, including eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and rosacea; now, it’s your turn. Learn the science behind this low chemical diet and eat your way to beautiful skin as Karen shares her 15 years of professional experience. This book is the answer you’ve been longing for.
SPECIFICATIONS: eBook Download | 240 Pages |
CAD $15.99
Surveys show that most people fear public speaking more than death! So, how do you prepare effectively for a speaking engagement? What do you need to know about your body, your voice, the audience, the technology? Maggie Eyre has over 30 years’ experience as a media trainer, communications consultant and performer. In Speak Easy, she takes the reader through the complete process, from initial concept to final delivery.
Included are chapters on body language, voice, health, warming up, managing your audience, fear, media skills, social media, how to use technology, grooming and learning your lines. The text is illustrated with anecdotes and case studies based on Maggie’s own work and experience, and is packed with useful tips. Practical and authoritative, this is the essential book for anyone facing a business presentation or an after-dinner speech.
SPECIFICATIONS: eBook | Black & White | 272 Pages |
Most people struggle to treat, or even ignore, day-to-day emotional injuries such as failure, rejection and guilt, but these injuries can significantly impact us and often get worse if left untreated – psychologist Guy Winch believes it’s way past time we learnt emotional first aid.
With concrete, easy-to-use exercises supported by cutting edge science that will help you build resilience and develop strategies to cope with challenging emotions, as well as relatable anecdotes and a refreshing dose of humour, you can learn to promote your emotional recovery from life’s setbacks.
SPECIFICATIONS: Paperback | 210 x 140 mm / 8 ⅓ x 5 ⅗ Inches | 304 Pages |
CAD $9.99
Confidence is a crucial ingredient for success in so many areas of life – at work, in relationships, and ‘getting out there’ and enjoying yourself. Internationally renowned confidence coach Lisa Phillips knows that confidence is an ‘inside job’ – it’s an internal process, which only you have the power to change.
Written in Lisa’s trademark warm and humorous style, this book will help you realise that your confidence is in your own hands. By adopting the right mindset and learning a few tricks, you can overcome the fears and negative patterns that have been holding you back, and open the door to the life you want.
SPECIFICATIONS: eBook | 192 Pages |