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The art of Daryl Dickson
Due for Release Feb 2025
Celebrating Australia’s Magnificent Wildlife is a celebration of Daryl Dickson’s beautiful work and passion for conservation. The stunning animals around Dickson have informed her work for over 40 years. Witness the ancient tropical forests and majestic landscapes of Queensland, Australia – home to some of the world’s rarest and most fascinating species. View a lifetime of artworks, showcased in this beautiful, large-format book that is an essential addition to coffee-tables everywhere.
Specifications: Hardback (Flexi-Bound) | 254 x 254mm | 144 Pages | Full Colour
AUD $18.95 Tax Included
Evie is all Ears introduces the story of Evie, the Bilby. Evie is deaf, but one day a way comes along for her to be “all ears” – will she be able to accept help to hear again?
Following the story of a Bilby is a gentle, sensitive way to explain deafness, and its isolating effects, to young children. Explore this topic in comfort with this beautifully illustrated book set in the Australian landscape.
A Little Pink Dog Books Publication

Specifications: 9780648652823 | Hardback | 245 x 245mm / 9.5 x 9.5in | 32 Pages | Full Colour
The Art of Daryl Dickson
Celebrating Australia’s Magnificent Wildlife is a celebration of Daryl Dickson’s beautiful work. From black-winged stilts to brushtail possums, see the variety and color of Australian wildlife contained in one wonderful book. Dickson’s passion for the conservation of wildlife and wild places has informed and inspired her work. She highlights the natural beauty of species that deserve to be saved in what is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the natural world.
The work of artists crosses borders, boundaries and language barriers. Painting wildlife does not need language to explain the essence of the beauty, landscape or movement of a creature. Witness the ancient tropical forests and majestic landscapes of northern Queensland, Australia — home to some of the world’s rarest and most fascinating species. View a lifetime of artworks, showcased in this large-format, beautifully designed book that is an essential addition to coffee tables everywhere.
Australian Women’s Weekly Christmas Issue
“Art and conservation merge in this stunning tome.”
Specifications: 9781925820607
| Cased and Jacket | 254 x 254mm / 10 x 10in | 144 pages | full colour
AUD $199.99 Tax Included
The Art of Daryl Dickson
One for the collectors, this exquisite leatherette edition is limted to 100 copies only. Each book is numbered and signed by Daryl with its own unique artist mark so no two copies are the same, making this edition as rare as some of the species featured in its pages.
Celebrating Australia’s Magnificent Wildlife is a celebration of Daryl Dickson’s beautiful work and passion for conservation. The stunning animals around Dickson have informed her work for over 40 years. Witness the ancient tropical forests and majestic landscapes of Queensland, Australia — home to some of the world’s rarest and most fascinating species. View a lifetime of artworks, showcased in this beautiful, large-format book that is an essential addition for art and book collectors alike.
Australian Women’s Weekly Christmas Issue
“Art and conservation merge in this stunning tome.”
Specifications: 9781925820614 | Leatherette | 254 x 254mm | 144 Pages | Full Colour | FSC Certified