The Mindful Freak-Out

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A rescue manual for being at your best when life is at its worst

Out now in Australia, New Zealand & the US – Coming to the UK August 24

The Mindful Freak-Out presents strategies from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) to give you the evidence-based tools you need to face highly distressing moments. The goal of these strategies is to soothe your suffering while giving you the inner strength, wisdom, and commitment needed to face the emotional pain in a flexible way. The result is an outcome where you feel good about your response, rather than deeply regretting your actions or words.

Specifications: Paperback | 229 x 152mm / 9 x 6 in | 280 Pages

Join author Dr. Eric Goodman for a FREE Webinar on ‘How ACTing with compassion eases suffering during life’s most distressing moments.’ and more from The Mindful Freak-Out (LIVE Tuesday Feb 13th @ 10AM PST – recording available after the event) – REGISTER HERE

Your Anxiety Beast and You

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Your Anxiety Beast and You is a kinder, more compassionate approach for people suffering from anxiety.

Don’t live with an enemy inside your mind, see anxiety for what it really is—an inner hero. It tries to protect you from threats but gets confused about what the true threats are. Learn to cope and train your anxiety to be a better inner-companion through methods based on compassion-focused therapy, CBT and ACT with humour and compassion.

Specifications: 9781925820331 | Paperback | 229 x 152mm/ 9 x 6 inches | 216 pages

Social Courage

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Coping and thriving with the reality of social anxiety

Whether you are struggling with social anxiety of phobic proportions or are just held back when it comes to public speaking or meeting a specific social goal, Social Courage offers help with its effective, structured, step-by-step program that draws from a range of therapeutic approaches. Packed with practical exercises and case studies, it gives you the tools to boldly move towards your social goals, while minimizing suffering along the way.

SPECIFICATIONS: Paperback | 229 x 152 / 9 x 6 Inches | 232 Pages |