Become Your Child's Anxiety Coach with these books - Exisle Publishing
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Books to help you become your child’s Anxiety Coach

Whether they’re starting for the first time or heading back for another year, school can cause a variety of anxious behaviors to arise.

Parents are on the front lines when it comes to their child’s emotional resilience, but when they’re equipped with the right knowledge the studies suggest parent-lead intervention is just as effective in treating mild to moderate levels of child anxiety as a professional psychologist.

That’s where we come in!

In this article you will find information about our latest release The Anxiety Coach, a step-by-step guide to support parents in raising emotionally resilient kids, and a collection of beautiful picture books that turn practical knowledge and techniques into fun and engaging stories. 

Step-by-step guide for parents

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The Anxiety Coach

Every parent’s guide to building resilience in their child

With child anxiety on the rise and professional care harder to access, parents and carers are often left on the spot when a child is behaving anxiously – stuck between a desire to help and a fear of causing harm. The Anxiety Coach provides adults with the right information and simple interventions that can be used as an effective treatment for mild to moderate levels of child anxiety over time.

User-friendly features in this book include:
• Case studies of a family who have successfully tackled their children’s anxious behaviour.
• Worksheets outlining the methodical steps adults should take.
• Advice on how to manage a child’s digital world.
• Tips to help worried parents deal with their own anxious thoughts and feelings.

Michael Hawton joined The Project New Zealand panel to discuss his new book The Anxiety Coach and share some tips to help parents talk to their children about frightening world events and ease anxiety.

Keep it engaging

The following list of books are engaging stories from our children’s imprint EK Books. Written by teachers, parents, and psychologists, these books will help ease school related anxiety, build emotional resilience, and open up conversations around schoolyard politics in fun and age appropriate ways.

Embrace new routines

Get Ready Mama

Get Ready, Mama

A fun role reversal of the morning routine power struggle.
Come on Mama, get ready!

Upside-Down Friday

Hugo doesn’t like Friday’s – everything always gets turned upside down and scary! Can his friends help him embrace Fridays?

Find your brave

The Battle

Edward is anxious to start knight-school so he puts on his armour prepared for battle – but is it protecting him or holding him back?

What If…?

For Issy ‘what if’ are two small words that lead to uneasy feelings – but they don’t have to be. This story turns what if’s into springboards for happiness and imagination.


In Brave, the second book in The Lessons of a LAC Series, Curly teaches Loppy how to manage his worries, specifically his worries about going to school.

Courageous Lucy

Lucy is so skilled at worrying that she worries about things no one else even thinks about!
When a school musical is announced, Lucy wants to be part of it but is scared try out.

Go Away, Worry Monster

Lucy is so skilled at worrying that she worries about things no one else even thinks about!
When a school musical is announced, Lucy wants to be part of it but is scared try out.

Embrace Differences

The Boy in the Big Blue Glasses

Sam doesn’t like his new glasses. They make his ears hurt. His parents say he looks handsome in them. But Sam just wants to look like himself.

This is My Dad Cover

This is My Dad

When his teacher announces Tell Us About Your Dad Day, Leo’s tummy flip-flops. A heart-warming celebration of single mothers and families of all shapes and sizes that will resonate with millions of children.

The Chalk Rainbow

The Chalk Rainbow follows a loving sister and a brother who has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It’s a story of unconditional love, of trust and of learning to look at the world through the eyes of others.

The Secret of Sapling Green Front Cover

The Secret of Sapling Green

Sapling Green is a gentle, quiet girl with a secret she is scared to show the world. Wynn Farthing is funny and noisy, and the best at climbing high into the branches of the old schoolyard tree.

Freddy the not teddy

Freddy the Not-Teddy

No one knows quite what Freddy is – a funky duck, a peculiar platypus, a punk rock penguin? He’s certainly not a Teddy, but that won’t stop him from being the star of the Teddy Bears’ Picnic

The Incredibly Busy Mind of Bowen Bartholomew Crisp

This story is a beautiful window into one of the many ways neurodiverse children experience the world, and also how they can turn that into their greatest strength.

Playground Politics

A Boy, His Bear and a Bully

Scott takes his bear, Buttons, to school with him every day to help him feel brave. He has to, because every day, Duncan is mean to him. When Buttons goes missing though, Scott has to look elsewhere to find his brave, and Duncan learns to apologies.

Box Cars

Liam and Kai are the best of friends and love playing box cars. One day a girl is keen to join in, but there’s only room for two! A fun-filled story of friendship, sharing and creative problem-solving.

Invisible Jerry

People don’t notice Jerry. He never gets picked last for sports teams — but that’s because he never gets picked at all. It’s like he’s invisible. Until Molly comes along.

Turning Cartwheels

Turning Cartwheels cleverly explores the subtle, underhanded social bullying conducted by so-called ‘frenemies’ that is so often experienced by primary school-aged kids.


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